KIN: a Nutrition & Lifestyle

Group Coaching Programme for Women With MS

Inform  Support Heal

A transformative group coaching programme for those looking to begin, improve or refresh their MS health journey.

Realise your true health potential through diet (using the framework of the Wahls Protocol®) and lifestyle, while connecting with a supportive group of like-minded individuals walking with you on this healing journey.

Are you...


Feeling overwhelmed by all the information out there and need some clear, actionable steps to take to improve your health with MS?

Or perhaps you have started on your health journey but are finding it hard to make sustainable, behaviour changes?

Or are you experiencing symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, sleep issues, joint pain, nerve pain or muscle stiffness and want to find out what I did to get on top of my debilitating symptoms 6 years ago?

Perhaps you want to feel part of a community in which you feel supported and accountable?


"This programme will show you how to harness the power of diet and lifestyle interventions to improve your health and manage your MS symptoms"


What is the KIN programme?

The KIN programme consists of 12 self paced modules within a Wahls Protocol® and Nutritional Therapy & Functional Medicine framework. 

It provides a toolkit to show women with MS how to reduce inflammation, live with fewer symptoms and flares, improve physical and cognitive function as well as improve their quality of life.

You can find further information about what to expect over the 12 modules in the dropdown FAQ's below.

It includes free access to the KIN membership for 3 months (usually £35 per month) within which you can access:

  • live group coaching sessions every 2 weeks for you to ask questions, consolidate your understanding and get support from others on a similar healing journey
  • community calls
  • guest expert meet ups
  • "kindred spirts" where members of the wider MS community share their stories of hope and inspiration
  • bonus sessions such as breath work, meditation and movement classes

Each element of this programme is designed to deeply support you and facilitate real, lasting change. 



I share, guide and support from a place of understanding


After being diagnosed with MS and struggling with my own health I felt how much more energy, better sleep, motor function and pain reduction I experienced after following the Wahls Protocol®. This was all following a Primary Progressive Diagnosis where I was expected to see a decline rather than an improvement in my symptoms. So I decided to train to be a Wahls Protocol® Certified Health Practitioner to complement my Nutritional Therapy and Functional Medicine practice in order to help others with MS.

I noticed how much easier it became to follow the diet and lifestyle recommendations when I was sharing my challenges and successes with other practitioners in the group.

My clients have noticed the same. Without the accountability and moral support gained from a like-minded community that understands your challenges, lasting behaviour change is really difficult.

Plus with all of the information out there it can be really confusing and disorientating doing it on your own. 

So I have created this group coaching programme to support you and others like you in making your MS health journey a little bit easier.


Frequently asked questions..

What others are saying..


"This program was the missing key to my healing journey. Following the Wahls protocol with a group of women and Elisa educating and guiding us along the way has been life changing. The weekly modules broke down the what, how, and most importantly why when it comes to living a healthy and healing lifestyle." 


"With the information provided, along with group support and accountability I was able to quiet the inflammatory noise in my body and truly understand what it means to listen to my body for the first time. I went from painful inflammation throughout my body to one small inflamed spot on my hand that comes and goes (which I now see as more of a guide) and from infertility and miscarriages to 15 weeks (and counting) pregnant!" 


"I am excited for what’s to come and forever grateful for Elisa and this 12 week program."


"Being on this programme has to be one of the best things I have ever done, it has been truly life changing. It addresses different areas of everyday life where you can make simple changes, opening up a whole new world of knowledge about MS, every day, impacting factors and self-healing." 


"Elisa is realistic, practical, and incredibly supportive. She guides you through the modules focussing on a series of relevant topics, providing invaluable explanations and visual presentations that will quickly help you to realise your personal ‘WHY’ for embarking on this healing journey." 


Choose your option to book below: